
Friday, July 22, 2011

It's... My Moment?! Viral YouTube Queen Rebecca Black is back...

Rebecca Black is back and this time it’s not Friday… it’s her moment! After her smash hit “Friday,” she just released her new “more cutesy” follow-up inspiring pop ballad called “My Moment.” The 14-year-old viral queen is hopefully off to a better start than her previous video. By May of 2011, “Friday” was approaching almost 200 million votes before it was removed from YouTube. Rebecca received so much criticism for her music video being “too cheesy,” but YouTube users fail to remember that every click they make, is supporting her and her work. Even though the music video received almost 200 million votes, the majority of those were “dislikes.” Rebecca stated that she didn’t write the song, used to struggle with all the hatred that people had for her, and is the reason for her new single “My Moment.” It is a song strictly about haters…

I hope you are happy cause I'm 'bout to blow up”

Tacky?! She’s 14!!! Let the girl live her life! She’s your typical teenage girl living in her fantasy world. She’s obviously making money and doing something right. What can you say about yourself? 
It’s nothing new that any other 14-year-old pop princess hasn’t produced in the past.

I think this new single is a step closer to heading in the right direction, but people are going to dislike her regardless of what she produces. Her last single “Friday” continues to be part of peoples weekend by either changing their Facebook status to those lyrics, posting the video, or tweeting “It’s Friday, Friday… gotta get down on Friday!” Many are glad that the video has been removed from YouTube, but she has gained so much free marketing and promotion through these videos.

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